Check my Instagram story for this eyebrow pencil by @beauty.eyebrow. I am using No. 1!!

@melodyprima: Kemarin aku cobain lash lift di @beauty. eyebrow Mall Puri, terus nyobain eyebrow waxing jg di @beauty.eyebrow . Suka banget sama hasilnya. Lagi ada discount 40% jg loh untuk lash lift and eyebrow waxing.

Hi, beauties mau tau dimana tempat lash favorite aku? Disini nih @beauty.eyebrow

A future dreamer! yes i’m back with eyelashes extension and this time i got them on at @beauty.eyebrow newest branch, Puri Indah Mall What i love about them is their extensions did not make my real lashes fall out!! I also tried their eyebrow waxing service @beauty.eyebrow & I love it it is srsly less painful than threading guys! Will be back for sure p.s my eyelashes extension type: Black Diamond!

eyes and eyebrow are the most important thing facial feature, so this’s it!! eyebrow & eyelash by @beauty.eyebrow (edisi males ngeriting rambut)